IV Nutrient Therapy Benefits
Boost Your Immunity and Rejuvenate Your Body
IV Nutrient Therapy provides a safe way to quickly and directly receive nutrients into your bloodstream. Among other concerns, lack of nutrients and vitamins contributes to premature and ungraceful aging.
Conversely, optimal nutrient balance assists with greater vitality, stronger immunity, fighting off hangovers, and a more youthful countenance.
Drip benefits key:
🦠 Immunity Support
🍎 Detoxify
🧑 Anti-aging
💊 Prep-step (preventative)
⚡ Energize
⛲ Restore (overall wellness)
❤️🩹 Recovery
💅 Beautify
⚖️ Weight Management
Tier I
- Rejuvenate ⚡ 🍎 ❤️🩹$159
- Metabolize ⚡ ⚖️$159
- Energize ⚡ 💊$159
- Radiant 🍎 ⛲ 💅$159
Tier II
- The New Myers 🦠 ⛲$214
- Get Set ⚡ 💊 ⛲$214
- Recharge ❤️🩹 ⛲$214
- Time Rewind ⚡ 🧑 💅$214
Tier III
- Unstoppable 💊 ❤️🩹 ⚡ ⛲$289
- Wonder Juice 🧑 ⚡ 🍎 ⛲$289
Tier IV
- Immunity Booster 🦠 ⛲ 🍎 💊 $344
- The Allergy Drip 🦠 ⛲ 🍎 ❤️🩹 $344
- Amplified Beauty 🧑 ⚡ 🍎 💅$344
What is IV Nutrient Therapy?
IV Nutrition Therapy is an IV treatment that provides the body with vital nutrients and minerals to renew insufficiencies or help in mending. The supplements get conveyed through a fluid arrangement from an IV line, PICC line, or port. The IV trickle gives supplements straightforwardly to the circulation system.

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